NEMA 8 Stepper Motor: 2 Phase, 1.8 Step Angle, 200 Steps Per Revolution, Frame Size 20×20mm, Bipolar or Unipolar(4 Wires or 6 Wires), Driving Votage 12-24VDC, Holding Torque up to 0.05Nm, Body Length 24mm to 50mm.

Frankhumotor's NEMA 8 series stepping motors have various optimal performances such as high torque, high speed, long lifespan, low noise, low resonance, low heat, etc. Due to the large automatic production, frankhumotor can share a very competitive & low price for NEMA series stepper motors. And frankhumotor also provides many flexible custom options such as motor shaft, cable connector, encoder, gearbox.

NEMA 8 Stepper Motor's Some Applications: 3D Printers, Automobile, Banking Equipment, Communications, Factory Automation, HVAC System, Medical Devices, Office Automation, Packaging & Printing, Robotics, Safe & Security Industry, Solar & Green Technology, Stage Lighting, Textile Machines, University Project

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